Which Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Business Book Should I Read First?

This is a question I get asked a lot by pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers, pet groomers and dog daycare owners: “Kristin, which pet business book should I read first?”
My answer always depends upon where the person asking the question is in their pet business journey.
Before I answer this question for you, dear blog reader, I want to first say that even though some of these book titles below have pet sitting and dog walking in the title, they are all very much relevant and applicable to all kinds of pet businesses!
I’ve had many pet groomers, dog trainers, dog daycare owners and pet photographers all tell me they’ve gained a ton of value from the pet sitting and dog walking titled books!
Also, all book titles are available in paperback format on Amazon. The links below are for the eBooks (and audiobook format – if that particular title is available in audiobook).
Are you starting your pet business OR would you like a step-by-step guide to grow your business by leaps and bounds? Read 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business eBook.
Or listen to 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business audiobook.
Are you feeling stuck in your pet business evolution and need to break through that financial glass ceiling, whether it be six figures – or even well beyond six figures? Read Six-Figure Pet Sitting eBook.
Or listen to the Six-Figure Pet Sitting audiobook.
Are you a pet groomer, dog trainer, dog daycare owner or any other pet professional and want to reach six-figures or even more in your pet business? Read Six-Figure Pet Business eBook.
Are you hiring staff member including pet sitters, dog walkers, pet groomers, dog trainers, dog daycare assistants, admin assistants, office managers or any other person to help support you to start, grow or run your pet business? Even though this book has pet sitters and dog walkers in the title, truly any pet professional who wants to hire -or who wants to get a lot better at hiring- will benefit from reading this hiring book! Read The Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers eBook.
Imagine if you could have access to 20 top pet business and life management experts…in the comfort of your own home? With this Prosperous Pet Business: Interviews with the Experts eBook you can! In this empowering 350-page eBook, Kristin Morrison interviews top pet business experts including Patti Moran (Pet Sitters International), Paul Mann (Fetch! Pet Care), Ian Dunbar, Andrea Arden and many more! Read Prosperous Pet Business: Interviews with the Experts eBook.
I’m currently working on book #6 which addresses one of the biggest pain points in the pet business industry. My new book will be released in late 2020 or early 2021. More details to come soon!
Happy reading, starting or growing your pet biz!

About the Author:

Kristin Morrison started her pet sitting and dog walking company in the mid-90s and it grew to become one of the largest pet care companies in California. Kristin hired over 250 people in the course of running her business for 18 years and when she sold the business, she had 35 dog walkers and pet sitters and 4 managers on staff.
Kristin is the founder of Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy™ and Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ which provides coaching, webinars and business products to pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers, and pet groomers across the United States, Canada, the UK and Australia.
Kristin is also the host of the Prosperous Pet Business podcast which is found on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also listen to it on the Prosperous Pet Business website.
Kristin is the author of five books: Six-Figure Pet Sitting, 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business, The Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers, Prosperous Pet Business and Six-Figure Pet Business. Her books are available in paperback on Amazon. The eBooks and audiobooks are on her website at: www.SixFigurePetBusinessAcademy.com
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SixFigurePetBusinessAcademy/
Join the Prosperous Pet Business Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/prosperouspetbusiness/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petbizcoach/
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/SixFigurePetSitting

Prosperous Pet Business Podcast: https://prosperouspetbusiness.com/pet-business-podcast/
Which Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Business Book Should I Read First? Read More »