Pet Sitting Website

Got a Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Website? How to Take Back Your Online Reputation!

How’s your online reputation for your pet sitting or dog walking business these days? online reputation correctWhen you Google your pet sitting or dog walking business do you have good things come up…or not-so-good things show up?

I’ve recently had a few business owners ask me how to ‘hide’ not-so-good things that are being said about them online.

Though you (alas!) can’t delete negative comments online there are powerful steps you can take to reduce the possibility of a potential client seeing something that you you’d rather they didn’t. Here’s how…

1. Search for your name AND your pet sitting or dog walking business name on Google. (Make sure to click on the ‘images’ section that is in Google too to see what’s coming up.)

2. If you discover something negative or online content that you wish wasn’t there, create new online content. Creating more blog posts is the easiest and quickest way to do this. Be sure to occasionally include your name and your pet sitting or dog walking business name in the blog post title and often include it in the category and tag section of your blog posts. You can also create some positive reviews by putting a client testimonial in your blog post.

3. Get listed on LinkedIn if you are not already on there. Be sure to have a picture of yourself or your business logo in your profile.

4. Create a ‘Google alert’ for your name (obviously easier if your name is unusual) and your business name. Just google ‘Google alert’ to sign up for this free service.

5. Get listed on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Be sure to create a Facebook business page too. Social media sites come up high on the search engines so you want to be on as many as you can even if you are not often active on all of them.

Put these action items on your to do list this week so you can begin to clean up your online reputation! Kristin4

To your success,

Kristin Morrison signature


Got a Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Website? How to Take Back Your Online Reputation! Read More »

How (and Why) to Make Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Website STICKY

StickyWebsiteWebinarImageLargeI’ve been reflecting on the early days of running my 18-year pet sitting and dog walking business and remembering the (many) challenges I faced early on.

One of the most challenging was after I’d had a great pet sitting website created. I felt so proud of it (such a nice site!) but then I realized that no one (not even me) could find my business online. Yikes.

It was a beautiful day when, after spending months learning SEO, I was able to rocket my pet sitting website to the top of Google and other search engines. Oh happy day.

(And later I went on to help many other pet business owners get to the top of the search engines through my SEO coaching and SEO webinar.)

It was very rewarding for me watch invisible businesses get visible online in only a week or two after the SEO changes.

But here was the strange part: even though the pet business owners I coached on SEO were highly visible to their target clients (most of the people I worked with were now on the first page of the search engines after our work together), many of them weren’t experiencing the rush of new client calls or emails that we both thought they would experience.

It was very weird.

I could see from behind the scenes (in computer lingo that’s ‘AW Stats’) that my SEO clients now had tons of website viewers (a huge amount more viewers than they’d ever had in prior months before the SEO coaching). So why weren’t they getting many more client calls?

It didn’t make sense. At all.

My pet sitting business was getting a massive number of calls and emails since I’d made the SEO changes on my website. In fact, my business had shot through the roof.  And a handful of my SEO clients were experiencing tons of new client calls too. Why weren’t all my SEO clients getting lots of calls?

I began studying my SEO client websites and then I noticed some key differences between those of us that were getting lots of calls and those that weren’t.

I had my clients make simple changes to their website that, once made, began to result in many calls and emails!

Suddenly these same clients who had complained about hardly any calls after the SEO work were now contacting me needing help hiring more staff so they could handle the huge amount of business they now had!

(A good problem.)

The flood gates had opened and now, not only were these pet business owners high up on Google and other search engines but they were also experiencing a ton of client calls (as it should be!)

Here’s the thing: you can do all the marketing in the world but if your website doesn’t have the ‘sticky effect’ you aren’t going to get the client calls.

You want your viewers to be glued to your website and you want to call those viewers into action so they become your clients. Even making a few small changes to your existing website can quickly increase business.

My upcoming webinar will show you how to turn your website into a powerful money-making machine that it was meant to be by helping pet owners who find you online become your clients.

If you are ready to turn your website viewers into clients, this is the webinar for you.


How (and Why) to Make Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Website STICKY Read More »

100+ FREE places to list your pet sitting & dog walking business online!


Whee! I love giving out free stuff that pet sitters and dog walkers can use immediately to skyrocket their business to success.

The latest goody I have for you is this: 100+ FREE and low cost websites to list your business online.

Having your website listed on other websites is one of the most important ways you can raise your search engine ranking. This means you’ll get higher up on the search engines and get more clients. Wa-hoo!

Click to go to our website page where you can now download your free 100+places to list your pet sitting and dog walking business online.

100+ FREE places to list your pet sitting & dog walking business online! Read More »

How to Protect Your Precious Web Copy from Theft


It’s funny.

I wanted to write this blog post because I recently had a coaching client ask me about how to deal with her competitor that had copied her website text word for word.

I told her what to do (as I will instruct you below).

What I haven’t done in a while though was check my OWN pet sitting website against plagiarism. So just now I did what I’m going to instruct you to do and you know what?

I found 3 pet sitting websites in various parts of the country that had taken a lot of my pet sitting website home page text and used it word-for-word on their home pages.


It’s not a good feeling to see the words you worked hard to come up with on another pet sitter’s website.

And not only that–here’s a little-known fact: web copy that is duplicated word for word on two or more sites results in lower search engine optimization for all of the sites that have the duplicate copy. This is the search engine’s way of making sure the playing field is wide open for all of us and not just inundated with multiple, duplicate sites. (Nice of them, isn’t it?)

So when someone copies your website text not only have they stolen your words but they’ve lowered your search engine optimization ranking (and their own).

Here’s how to check your website to see if your text is being copied and what to do about it if it is:

1) Go to Copyscape and put a banner at the bottom of all the web pages that you want to protect against web copy theft. Even though I have this banner at the bottom of my site, I still get pet sitters copying my text. However, fewer pet sitters copy my text now versus when I didn’t have the banner on there so get this on your site as soon as possible.

2) Enter your website address into Copyscape’s search bar to see if anyone has copied your website text.

3) If someone copied your text, send them this email:

Dear ________
I noticed that you have copied the text from my pet sitting website on
your home page (or whatever page was copied).
Please change your text immediately. Having the same copy on your
site makes us BOTH come down lower on the search engines and it’s
stealing. Please email me to confirm that you’ve made the changes by
____________ (a week from the date of the email). Failure to do so will result in legal action.

Thank you,
Your Name
Your Business Name
Your Business Website

4) If you need to take legal action you can search for “Prepaid Legal Services” online. Prepaid legal services are available in most states and offer inexpensive legal service for $30-40/month.

Prepaid legal services will draw up a ‘cease and desist letter’ and mail it to the party that has copied your site. If that doesn’t resolve the matter you can retain legal counsel at a discounted rate for attorney fees. You can cancel the monthly membership after the issue is resolved and start it up again when/if you need additional legal services. Using a prepaid legal service is a very cost-effective solution for pet sitters needing to resolve this and other legal matters.

5) Check Copyscape every couple of months to make sure your text is not being copied. Again, this will protect your search engine optimization ranking as well as your text.

How to Protect Your Precious Web Copy from Theft Read More »

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